Math - Numbers
Interactive / Online
How Many?
This interactive/online version of number recognition worksheet generator is provided to boost test scores and prepare the child/children to meet the Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 (PK-1) curriculum standards. The "How Many?" worksheet is available in English, French, Italian, or Spanish, and provides a variety of objects to make the lesson more interesting. The worksheets objective is to teach children to count how many objects and select the correct number. The worksheet will randomly selects the numbers of objects within the range you choose from the drop down menu. This online/interactive "How Many" will automatically scored your results in a printable worksheet.
Follow these steps to make your worksheet.
1. Select a Language: English, French, Italian, or Spanish. (Default: English)
2. Select Picture Theme. (Default: Dots)
3. Select a Number Range: (Default: 0 - 5)
4. Option: Page back and click Submit to create a different set of math problems.